Elite Prototype Test for Barbarian Civilization

[Elite Prototype Test]
<Barbarian Civilization> is my 4th self-sponsored project. It was started since March 2021. Currently I'm running a elite prototype test for design and play-ability with limited outsource budget.
Tutorial video: https://www.facebook.com/BarbarianCivilization/posts/124847699830770
If anyone wants to try on other platforms (iOS and android) , please check our Facebook post:https://www.facebook.com/BarbarianCivilization/posts/120695706912636
Feedback, opinions, or comments are welcomed by post comment, private message, or a survey form in the game.Brief about game:
<Barbarian Civilization> is a multiplayer turn-based online strategy game. Players promoted themselves to General or Mayor to command troops and cities, attack enemy to win glory of their own parties.
Round time is set to be 30 secs for testing. While it was expected as longer, to balance different players. All the parameters are assumed to be adjusted in the future.
There might exist many bugs and typo in this version. If anyone observes any error, please notify me to reboot server.
The installed systems:
- Troops may execute commands include: Rest, Regroup(to recover moral), Move, Attack to, Rotate, Change Formation, Defend, Disarm Troop, and Scout.
- Cities commands include: Rest, Build Cottage, Dig Metal(to arm soldier), Create Troop, Trade, Charity, Execute (protestors).
- Players commands: Change Duty, Donate (food to unit), Observe, Go Hunting, Watch Battle, Join Battle, and Assist Unit.
Game Flow:
Players are assigned to 2 parties automatically. "Assist Unit" may raise Experience, to be able to request higher rank. "Dig Metal" transforms citizens to soldier. Players may "Create Troop" and guiding troop to attack enemy units until no further enemy. At the end, server is rebooted to start a new campaign manually.
Rank higher than Administrator may add a new consultation to affect unit, while ranks higher than General and Mayor can command their units directly.
Troop Battle is calculated by server and replayed in the client side. So far it is a draft, and expected to be improved in the future. All the actions player did via Assist Unit and Join Battle will reflect in the future round.
Future plans:
- Visual and effect on commanding units.
- Visual and effect in troop battle.
- Show information by observation.
- More small games allowing players to interact.
- More troop commands like Supply, Ambush, or Construction.
- Task system, to let player achieve to request Exp. and titles.
- Player Attributes contribute to game play.
Special Thanks: Lai Charlie for map design, and testing. 宋慈, 鄭光宇, Is True Untrue, Dinaya for design feedback.
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multiplayer turn-based online strategy game
More posts
- Design behind version 0.3.4Dec 09, 2023
- Version 0.3.4 has been updated with new features Map Info and Fellowship.Dec 08, 2023
- A new feature of fellowship will be updated this Friday.Dec 04, 2023
- A minor Patch update (0.3.2)Nov 14, 2023
- Crassus in 3 Kingdoms has uploaded to storesNov 04, 2023
- B1 server announcement.Oct 30, 2023
- The page of "Barbarian 2" has been set up!Sep 30, 2023
- Next of Barbarian CivilizationSep 25, 2023
- 0.2.27 is soft launched on mobiles only in Germany and India.Sep 18, 2021
- Elite prototype test has ended. (version updated 0.2.26)Aug 12, 2021
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